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PHP Traits for interface contract testing

25 March 2019

Interfaces, those neat artifacts created to represent contracts to be fulfilled by classes. When appropriately used, they’re a very powerful way to express the expectations a client class has on implementations. Yet, most languages lack of tools to express those aspects you can’t see by looking at the method signatures.

What should a method return under certain circumstances? If condition X is met, should it throw an exception? If so, of what type? All those questions can be answered by writing good documentation, that’s true, but, what about enforcing those rules? And who writes good docs in a world where working code is more important than documented code? That’s where the documenting facet of unit tests come in handy.

interface IPacman {
    public function eatCookie(string $cookie): IPacman;

    public function getCookies(): array;

class ArrayPacman implements IPacman {
    private $stomach = [];
    public function eatCookie(string $name): IPacman {
        $this->stomach[] = $name;
        return $this;

    public function getCookies(): array {
        return $this->stomach;

class ArrayPacmanTest extends TestCase {
    public function testEatCookie(){
        // Arrange
        $pacman = new ArrayPacman();
        // Act
        $result = $pacman->eatCookie('John');

        // Assert
        $this->assertOftype(IPacman, $result);
        $this->assertEquals([ 'John' ], $result->getCookies());

    public function testGetCookies(){
        // Arrange
        $pacman = new ArrayPacman();
        $result = $pacman
        // Act
        $eatenCookies = $result->getCookies();

        // Assert
        $this->assertEquals([ 'John', 'Jane', 'Jim' ], $eatenCookies);

So far, so good, we have successfully documented what we expect from the IPacman interface. We expect their implementations to do something with the string we give to them and we want the result of that returned. But, there are two questions that will circle around in the stomach of the person who wrote the Unit test:

  • How many times will I have to repeat this code? (a.k.a. how many implementations of this interface will we create?)
  • If the non-explicit rules (exceptions, invariants) change, at how many places will I have to reflect that change?

Enter the Traits

In PHP, since version 5.4.0, we have these artifacts called traits, which basically inject variables and methods into a class, making them actually part of the class.

That allows all sort of neat tricks like, giving a base interface implementation without making the inheritance tree deeper or having some common algorithms in a single place.

But, what does this have to do with unit tests? well, lets get started by adding a new implementation of our IPacman interface:

interface IPacman {
    public function eatCookie(string $cookie): IPacman;

    public function getCookies(): array;

class ArrayPacman implements IPacman {
    private $stomach = [];
    public function eatCookie(string $name): IPacman {
        $this->stomach[] = $name;
        return $this;

    public function getCookies(): array {
        return $this->stomach;

class FancyCollectionPacman implements IPacman {
    private $belly;

    public function __construct(){
        $this->belly = new SomeFancyCollectionClass();
    public function eatCookie(string $name): IPacman {
        return $this;

    public function getCookies(): array {
        return $this->belly->toArray();

Now, if we follow the usual practices on unit testing, we would have to create the corresponding tests for the new class:

class ArrayPacmanTest extends TestCase {
    public function testEatCookie(){
        // Arrange
        $pacman = new ArrayPacman();
        // Act
        $result = $pacman->eatCookie('John');

        // Assert
        $this->assertOftype(IPacman, $result);
        $this->assertEquals([ 'John' ], $result->getCookies());

    public function testGetCookies(){
        // Arrange
        $pacman = new ArrayPacman();
        $result = $pacman
        // Act
        $eatenCookies = $result->getCookies();

        // Assert
        $this->assertEquals([ 'John', 'Jane', 'Jim' ], $eatenCookies);

class FancyCollectionPacmanTest extends TestCase {
    public function testEatCookie(){
        // Arrange
        $pacman = new FancyCollectionPacman();
        // Act
        $result = $pacman->eatCookie('John');

        // Assert
        $this->assertOftype(IPacman, $result);
        $this->assertEquals([ 'John' ], $result->getCookies());

    public function testGetCookies(){
        // Arrange
        $pacman = new FancyCollectionPacman();
        $result = $pacman
        // Act
        $eatenCookies = $result->getCookies();

        // Assert
        $this->assertEquals([ 'John', 'Jane', 'Jim' ], $eatenCookies);

Mmm, that didn’t require much effort, just copy, paste, and change a few things here and there, but, now think of this: What if that interface had 3 methods, or 6, or 36? and what if the cases for each method were 8, or 32? Every new implementation would be a really boring task if we wanted to have them tested.

And this will be his face:

Oh boy!

So, let’s try moving all repeated stuff into a trait:

trait IPacmanContractTrait {

    public function testEatCookie(){
        // Arrange
        $pacman = $this->createPacman();
        // Act
        $result = $pacman->eatCookie('John');

        // Assert
        $this->assertOftype(IPacman, $result);
        $this->assertEquals([ 'John' ], $result->getCookies());

    public function testGetCookies(){
        // Arrange
        $pacman = $this->createPacman();
        $result = $pacman
        // Act
        $eatenCookies = $result->getCookies();

        // Assert
        $this->assertEquals([ 'John', 'Jane', 'Jim' ], $eatenCookies);

    protected abstract function createPacman(): IPacman;    

That pretty much covers all possible implementations of IPacman interface. All you have to do, is create a new test, use the trait in it and implement the abstract method:

class ArrayPacmanTest extends TestCase {
    use IPacmanContractTrait;

    public function createPacman(){
        return new ArrayPacman();

class FancyCollectionPacmanTest extends TestCase {
    use IPacmanContractTrait;

    public function createPacman(){
        return new FancyCollectionPacman();

The new implementation tests will now worry only about the methods specific to them, like, factory methods, non-default constructors and methods related to other classes and interfaces they might implement.

Whatever new test case that gets added to the interface methods, will be automatically tested for all implementations without modifying their tests, just adjusting the implementation if it doesn’t pass the new assertions.

The Actual Value of Contract Traits

Invoking Lishkov, the goddess who embodies the ‘L’ in the SOLID pantheon!

So far, we can see a good save on repeated code for your unit tests. That’s cool! but what makes the most out of this practice, is the fact that you can:

  • Document the implicit parts of the interface’s contract in your tests.
  • Enforce rules on every single interface’s implementation under your control.
  • Become actually aware of the need of preserving the Lishkov substitution principle.
  • Think deeper in the Responsibility segregation principle.

Let’s dig further in the above points:

Documenting the Implicit Stuff

Let’s continue with our Pacman example. Our interface has an eatCookie() method, and for every implementation there’s a test that will check that it actually works. Great, but a few weeks after the first release of our Pacman software, we got buried into an avalanche of “Hey, I see empty and nully cookies out there! I don’t like them, I want my cookies pretty and tasty!”. And that’s because we forgot to enforce a rule of not allowing null or empty cookies in our IPacman implementations!

So, what can we do then, well, we could fix all implementations to throw in case of null/empty cookies:

interface IPacman {
    public function eatCookie(string $cookie): IPacman;

    public function getCookies(): array;

final class Ensure {
    public static function notNullOrEmpty(string $value): void {
        if($value === null || $value === ''){
            throw new ValueShouldNotBeNullOrEmptyException();

class ArrayPacman implements IPacman {
    private $stomach = [];
    public function eatCookie(string $name): IPacman {
        $this->stomach[] = $name;
        return $this;

    public function getCookies(): array {
        return $this->stomach;

class FancyCollectionPacman implements IPacman {
    private $belly;

    public function __construct(){
        $this->belly = new SomeFancyCollectionClass();
    public function eatCookie(string $name): IPacman {
        return $this;

    public function getCookies(): array {
        return $this->belly->toArray();

Great, we made the homework! we validate cookie to be not null or empty. But we didn’t document it! Why? You name it: we’re in a hurry, docs are boring, we’re quite negligent, my boss says ‘forget about freeman docs’, we just forgot it, etc.

The point is, there are plenty of probabilities that no one will write the docs for the new constraint, and many new developers, unaware of that situation, will create their implementation without such check.

But we can ‘document’, at a certain extent, that new feature, and also say ‘Hey Jim, before implementing your new pacman, make sure to look at the contract trait’

trait IPacmanContractTrait {

    * @dataProvider eatCookieThrowIfNullOrEmptyProvider
    * @expectedException ValueShouldNotBeNullOrEmptyException
    public function testEatCookieThrowIfNullOrEmpty($cookie) {
        // Arrange
        $pacman = $this->createPacman();
        // Act
        $result = $pacman->eatCookie($cookie);
    public function eatCookieThrowIfNullOrEmptyProvider(){
        return [
            'TestWithNull' => [ null ],
            'TestWithEmpty' => [ '' ],

    // Here go the the other tests....

    protected abstract function createPacman(): IPacman;    

Whoever can read a unit test, can see there are constraints associated to the eatCookie method, and that take us to the next point:

Enforcing the implicit contract

Now let’s assume Jim decided not to follow his teammate’s wise advice, and created his new implementation without even looking at the trait:

interface IPacman {
    public function eatCookie(string $cookie): IPacman;

    public function getCookies(): array;

class FancyApiPacman implements IPacman {
    private $api;
    // Constructor should initialize the Api...
    public function eatCookie(string $name): IPacman {
        // Oops, someone failed to check the parameter... and will pay for it.
        $this->api->post('/cookies', $name);
        return $this;

    public function getCookies(): array {
        return $this->api->get('/cookies');

// And then we create the tests:

class FancyApiPacmanTest extends TestCase {
    use IPacmanContractTrait;

    public function createPacman(){
        return new FancyApiPacman('some-test-endpoint');

And what will happen to Jim? …. that’s right, BOOM! tests failing, and the guy finally looking at the contract trait and realizing he needs to stick to the rules imposed by it.

Honoring the Lishkov substitution principle

All this lead us to something even deeper and important, being able to enforce at least one of the SOLID principles: Lishkov substitution. It can be seen, more or less, as: whatever implementation of an interface should fully comply with the interface’s contract, and not only implement the methods, it should also stick to the implicit constraints/invariants of that interface, thus, making any implementation ‘indistinguishable’ from the other.

This principle is important to keep a system’s predictability, and the above practice helps on that, not only by saving a lot of work on unit test writing, but also by making implicit rules explicit, and enforcing them.

Whenever you want to create a new implementation of an interface, you’ll have to thoroughly check the contract and make sure it can replace/be replaced by other implementations.

Actually caring about Interface Segregation principle

Interface segregation principle looks like a very simple to follow one, just, don’t put a bazillion methods in that bloody interface, that’s all, right? Well, no, lets illustrate it with a simple example:

Let’s say that we needed to create an implementation of IPacman that didn’t accept repeated cookies. There’s a problem here, none of the other implementations count on that.

We could say, well, just apply that constraint to everyone, and let’s go lunch. But, the existing ones don’t enforce such rule for some reason, they’re in production and no one complaints about their repeated cookies, why? because repeated cookies are part of the business, and not allowing them would go against the end user who expects to be able to feed his Pacman with repeated cookies.

So, what could we do then? well, create a new interface, some IDistinctPacman which contract will look pretty much like the original IPacman one, but with the implicit constraint of allowing only unique cookies.

We have segregated interfaces, and it has been for a deeper reason that just the number of methods, how they look like or how are they related. And also we’re aware of a business rule we didn’t think about before: regular Pacmans accept repeated cookies. That gives us material to add even more significative test cases to our trait, making unit tests even more useful and descriptive.


As with any development practice, there are limitations and disadvantages associated with them. The specific one I can come up with is that, methods that can vary their returned value or internal state based on the implementation, might not be a good fit for this practice. Let’s see an example to clarify this:

Let’s say we have this interface which sole purpose is to receive a string and return a message according to that string:

interface ISaySomething {
    public function say(string $name): string;

And then we have some implementations:

class SayHello implements ISaySomething {
    public function say(string $name): string {
        return "Hello, $name";

class SayWhatsup implements ISaySomething {
    public function say(string $name): string {
        return "What's up, $name?";

As you can see, the contract trait would have to deal with different results based on the implementations, we could do something like this:

trait ISaySomethingContract {
    * @dataProvider sayProvider
    public function testSay($name, $expectedResult){
        // Arange
        $sayer = $this->createISaySomething();
        // Act
        $result = $sayer->say($name);
        // Assert
        $this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $result);

    public abstract function createISaySomething(): ISaySomething;

    public abstract function getSayExpectedResultWhenJohn(): string;
    public abstract function getSayExpectedResultWhenJane(): string;
    public abstract function getSayExpectedResultWhenJim(): string;

    public function sayProvider(){
        return [
            'TestWhenJohn' => [ 'John', $this->getSayExpectedResultWhenJohn() ],
            'TestWhenJane' => [ 'John', $this->getSayExpectedResultWhenJane() ],
            'TestWhenJim' => [ 'John',  $this->getSayExpectedResultWhenJim() ],

As you can see, we’ve managed to continue using contract traits for this case, but, you can see the potential problem here, we’ll have an explosion of abstract methods if the interface is big enough or the methods have a lot of cases.

Yet, we can still find this a suitable solution to our needs, that’s your call to decide if having to implement 200 methods worth it in order to have your contracts well documented and enforced in a single place, regardless the number of implementation under your control.

There might be more problems derived from this practice, but, so far, to the usage I’ve given to it, it might be a good tool, time and usage will say if that’s the case.

Things I wouldn’t recommend with contract traits

If you decide to apply this practice, here’s a list of things I’d keep from doing, yet, it still your decision if it applies to your particular case or not.

  • Introduce constraints that only affect certain implementations: As expressed in the Enforcing the implicit contract section, it is generally a bad idea to introduce constraints that only affect a certain implementation. But, if your specific rule doesn’t collide with the general ones, you could still create specific test methods for those special cases.
  • Override the trait test methods: If you have to override those methods, you a) are doing a bad implementation of the interface, b) need to implement a different/new interface or c) the interface might be doing more than it should.

And what about other languages?

Well, sadly, many languages don’t support traits, that’s one of the reasons I’m doing this article on PHP, so, if this practice inspires you to do something similar in languages without traits, I encourage you to either create some workaround or start a request to have traits in your language… and post it in the comments below :)


Unit tests can benefit from a wise usage of traits by allowing to save effort in writing unit tests, documenting and enforcing interface implicit rules and make developers think more carefully about their interface design.

Just, as with any practice, be careful when using it. And let me know of any disadvantage or problem you see with it in comments.

Thanks for reading, and here is an applied example of what I said above, this small library I made to provide what I hope is a pretty useful collections library: